Partner with Alyssa
Nurture your community with an event where the vibes are high.
In-Person Healing Hour
Unlock the magic of Reiki, an ancient Japanese healing practice that initiates relaxation, stress reduction, and empowers the body's innate healing abilities. By joining forces for a group event, you'll create an unforgettable experience, showing your customers that you see them as more than just routine seekers; you're providing a soul-nourishing activity that aligns with their personal growth and wellness journey.
Fitness studios
Coffee shops
Healing Circles
Professional offices
and more!
Your community will have a one-hour retreat within your space. Think of it as part guided meditation, part reiki healing. Alyssa will first explain what reiki is to the group and what to expect. Everyone will be instructed to get comfortable on cozy furniture or on yoga mats. Next, Alyssa will start calming meditation music before walking the group through some gentle breathing exercise to induce a relaxed, meditative state. Then the Guided Meditation and Reiki Healing will begin. Once the Guided Meditation and Reiki Healing Experience is complete, we'll take a few minutes to return to the present and journal about your experience.
The Group Reiki Meditation and Healing Experience will provided your system with high-frequency, deep healing energies. It will remove and stabilize imbalances within your energy field while inducing feelings of deep relaxation and calm. It is common to receive insight through your own intuition during this experience.​
Understanding Reiki:
What it is and What it Does
“I understand that if you are completely new reiki, to spirituality outside of religion, that that sounds a little...wacky. I understand that and I'm okay with that, because I have seen the proof of what reiki can do. Reiki is becoming more widely known and accepted because of the results that people feel.”
On this episode, Alyssa explains what reiki is and what it does; both in technical terms and terms that are easy to understand. We’ll cover the history of reiki, the chakra system, different kinds of reiki, the benefits of reiki, and what to expect when you receive a reiki treatment.
"I experienced a deep sense of relaxation and peace that I haven't felt in a long time."
Alika H.
"It feels like I just got a massage!"
Rachel H.
"Reiki was the best thing I've done for myself in a very long time. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you!"
Natasha C.